Minimum configuration: a Macintosh running System 7.5.3, with a PowerPC processor, double-speed CD-ROM drive, 640x480 256-color display, and 12MB or more of available RAM.
Recommended: 120MHz or faster PowerPC processor, 4x CD-ROM drive.
Installation instructions:
Copy the Nuevos Destinos folder from the CD-ROM onto your hard disk by dragging the folder from the CD-ROM window to your hard disk icon.
If you do not have QuickTime 3 or later installed in your System Folder, open the QuickTime folder on the CD-ROM. Double-click the QuickTime Installer icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Users with slower computers please note:
If you encounter performance problems:
ß Set your monitor to 256 colors.
ß Turn off virtual memory.
ß Video and audio segments may not always play smoothly on your computer. If you have problems with a segment, try clicking again to replay it.
Starting the program
Make sure that the Nuevos Destinos CD-ROM is in your CD-ROM drive, that your computer speakers are turned on, that your external microphone is attached and that your sound Control Panel is set for external microphone input. (For more information, consult the documentation that came with your computer.)
Open the Nuevos Destinos folder and double-click the Nuevos Destinos icon. Follow the on-screen instructions. If you are unsure what to do on any screen, use on-screen help:
ß Click ayuda/help on the Main Menu.
ß Select Ayuda/Help from the opciones menu on any screen.
The Nuevos Destinos CD-ROM is a companion to the Nuevos Destinos video and print materials. You should watch a video episode before beginning the corresponding CD-ROM episode.
The Nuevos Destinos Web Page
The Nuevos Destinos CD-ROM includes a Web Page folder that contains a page with links to the World Wide Web.
Use your computer╒s Web browser to open the file webpage.html, in the Web Page folder.
This page contains links to further information about Nuevos Destinos and its producing partners, Annenberg/CPB, WGBH Educational Foundation, and The McGraw-Hill Companies.